Regarding share information of INVL Baltic Real Estate

SUTNTIB INVL Baltic Real Estate (identification code 152105644, the registered address Gyneju str. 14 Vilnius, Lithuania, web site (hereinafter referred to as the Company) informs that after implementation of the decisions of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Company held on 29 December 2017 regarding the change of the amount of shares and the nominal value per share of the Company, information of the ordinary registered shares of INVL Baltic Real Estate is as follows:

ISIN LT0000127151
Ticker INR1L
Exchange Nasdaq Vilnius
List Secondary List
Share capital 19,067,500 EUR
Nominal value per share 1.45 EUR
Total amount of shares 13,150,000 units
Total amount of voting rights granted by shares 13,150,000 units

The number of shares owned by each shareholder had been recalculated at the end of 15 January 2018 (hereinafter referred as Exchange Date). On the Exchange date the amount of shares owned by the shareholders had been divided by five and rounded upwards. If on the Exchange Date the sum of the nominal value of shares owned by any shareholder decreased due to the change of the nominal value of the share, this decrease had been compensated by the Shareholder – public limited liability company Invalda INVL.



         The person authorized to provide additional information:
         Real Estate Fund Manager of the Management Company
         Vytautas Bakšinskas